Monday 1 February 2021

Nigerian Snack: Learn to make Nigerian Coconut Candy.


Let’s go down memory lane today. Remember this treat? I can remember vividly, it was sold at 5naira per one back in the days, coconut candy was the king of candy next to Baba Dudu. 
Today you’ll be making your own coconut candy.


Coconut meat

1 ½ cup of sugar


Take your coconut meat and grate it, after you grate it, add your sugar in a pan, place the pan on medium heat and stir the sugar till it is melted. Once you melt your sugar, still on the heat, add your grated coconut to the sugar and continue to stir.

You will notice that your mixture has water in it, do not bother but continue to stir till all the water is dried up. Once it is dry, take the coconut out of the pan and pour in a bowl, leave the candy till it is warm, then with your hand take bits of the candy in potions and make it into a ball with your palm. Do that with all of the coconuts. Now your coconut candy is ready!

You can make this treat for your children or even for yourself and enjoy with a cup of juice.

WriterIdowu Elizabeth
Editor(s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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