Monday 8 February 2021

Awe Entrepreneurs (S8): Advertisement

There have been many skills and business ideas that have been shared on this platform over the past few weeks. Today we will be sharing a tip that will help you have a better outcome when you are set to start up.


Many times, young entrepreneurs set up businesses in skills they have learned, with dreams and hopes to excel, they invest all their capital in setting up yet they neglect the most paramount thing which is an advertisement, it’s almost like they light a candle and place it under their bed, no one will notice it.

Awe entrepreneurs are different, that is why you are here. To excel in any business or skill of choice you have to invest in advertising such business. You can’t set up a salon or a photography studio and fold your hands hoping you will get customers, you have to inform your society, advertise online, person to person, or even on television. Invest in an advertisement package and you are sure to get your money back.

WriterIdowu Elizabeth
Editor(s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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