Wednesday 10 February 2021

Nigerian Agriculture: Little Farmers; Grow Bell Pepper in a Container.

With the way things are getting expensive in the market, especially food and beverage, its time you make the little farmer articles become handy to you.

Popularly known as Tatashe to most people, bell pepper is a very important ingredient in most Nigerian dish, today we will be planting bell peppers in a container.


*A 20liters bucket (make a few drainages)


*Bell pepper seeds (you can get this from bell pepper itself)



Empty your soil into your container, and dig a hole right in the middle of the soil, the hole should be 3 inches deep, afterward add your bell pepper seeds into the hole and cover it up with soil and then you water.

Your bell peppers will germinate between 5-10 days and you will be able to harvest between 90-120 days. I will advise you to plant in larger quantities (2-3 buckets) so the wait will be worth it. take the step today, grow your own pepper.

WriterIdowu Elizabeth
Editor(s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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