Wednesday 10 February 2021

Nigerian Drink: How to Make Zobo (Hibiscus Cocktail)


Zobo is a very popular drink in Nigeria, asides from its delicious taste this is a healthy drink because it is 100% natural and each ingredient has its medicinal value. Today we will learn how to make zobo so whether home or abroad, you don’t have to miss the amazing taste of a Nigerian healthy drink.


* 3 cups dried hibiscus flower ( zobo leaf)

* 1 sweet pineapple

* 3 pieces of dried ginger

 * 2 ripe oranges

* 2 cups of honey

*3 litres of water


To begin wash your hibiscus flower and set aside,

Was the back of your oranges and cut them to the desired shape,

 Take your pineapple and peel, do not throw the peel away, and set it aside also,

Cut your pineapple into small pieces and blend with your ginger (no need to peel the ginger just wash and blend),

Empty your 3 liters of water into a big pot,

Add you hibiscus flower, oranges, and pineapple peel to it,

One medium heat boil the mixture for 20mins.

After 20mins, add your blended pineapples and ginger to the boiling mixture,

Reduce the heat to the lowest and leave to boil for 5mins,

After 5mins turn of the heat and let it cool for an hour,

Once the zobo is cool, sieve the mixture, you can also squeeze out the juice from the hibiscus flower, pineapples, and oranges.

Once all the juice is out and you have drained the mixture, add the 2 cups of honey and mix with a spoon, if it tastes sweet enough for you, pour the zobo in containers and set it in the fridge, your zobo drink is ready. Now enjoy.

WriterIdowu Elizabeth
Editor(s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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