Friday 12 February 2021

Nigerian Bakery: Learn A Skill Today; Pastry Snack Making.

Out of various skills to learn from, today we will discuss the snack making skill and why you should learn it.

In Nigeria we sometimes misinterpret snacks as food, this is because many Nigerians especially those in the urban cites decide to grab a snack and drink on the go, once they have a snack they are good to go for the next 2 to 3hours. This is one of the major reasons why you should learn snack making skill, pastry snack is something people will continue to want, as it serves as a refuel or a sustainer till they get the main dish.

There are varieties of Nigerian pastry snack you can learn to make income; they include, meat pies, fish pies, egg rolls, cupcakes, sausages, doughnuts, puff puff, buns, and many more. Out of the varieties of pastries to choose from, you can learn 2-3 perfectly and you are ready to make money. With snack making, you are guaranteed at least 500naira a week when you set up.

It takes 6months to learn 3 types of Nigerian pastry snacks at the basic, when you continue to practices you should be a professional in 2-3 years, then you can teach the skill for more income.

Learn snack making, become an entrepreneur. 

WriterIdowu Elizabeth
Editor(s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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