Monday 1 February 2021

Solution To Being Single on Valentine Weekend (3/5)


Tip 3: Act of Kindness

Dear Single people, you can feel loved too on Valentine’s Day. Another thing you can do on Valentine’s Day is to volunteer, yes volunteer! 

Instead of sitting in your couch on valentine's day and wondering why you are still single, you can render your service at a motherless baby home on that day. Care for those who were neglected, show some of the love you have in your heart to those little children, I'm sure you will feel better than going on a date.

Also, you can help on Val’s day  to give out food to beggars, show love to those who are not expecting it, whether it's 5 plates or 2 plates of food, give it out to someone who never thought they’d get something from you. 

Since this year valentine’s day falls on a Sunday, you should have enough time to prepare or order the food.

This is not a compulsory action but it shows the kind of love you want to strangers, you’ll be surprised the kind of feeling that comes with it, and you never can tell there might just be a gift in it for you.


WriterIdowu Elizabeth
Editor(s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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