Tuesday 22 December 2020

Poetry: I Believe That I Can Make A Change


Welcome, I wrote this piece called I believe that I can make a change.

Life has taught me a lot of lessons in the past year, life has taught me love, life has taught me pain, life has taught me that everything you do matters and some things shouldn’t matter at all.

Growing up life taught me a whole lot of lessons but what’s the point of the lesson if I don’t use it in my future endeavours?

I continue to learn that life is a game that one must learn how to play. 
With bad storms often times some believe that things will not get better.  They might feel that things will get worse and fall into a deep depression.  They might smile at you, but inside they are getting more broken. 
Sometimes people need to be reminded that their life is important and hopefully then, they can see their worth. I believe that our minds are full of so much potential and all we need, all we need to do is to believe. Believe in ourselves. You need to recognise your self, your skills, your abilities. And one thing that might help with this, is to have faith. Faith in yourself and faith in a higher power. You are beautiful. You are a beautiful person, a beautiful creation and you will be blessed.  If things are not good now, have faith that things will get better. 
Open your heart, open your mind and start making changes towards the life that you picture for yourself, for your children, for your family. Say good and positive words about yourself, to your self and to others around you. Do acts of kindness for yourself aswell as for each others.  It might impact a life greatly to change the direction for the better. I hope and pray that things will get better. I hope and pray that life will get better.

Now repeat after me.

I will take a chance to be who I am meant to be. I won’t let fear stop me, I won’t let my worries destabilise me, I won’t let my mistakes keep me from trying, I refuse to let my anxieties keep me from souring to the highest of my potential.

I believe that I can make a change.
I CAN make a change, I WILL make a change because I believe in ME.

Watch the full video again below:

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