Saturday 26 December 2020

How To Raise Awesome Kid(s) or Children, Top Tips

Raising a child can be a very difficult task as it requires sincerity in all forms. Considering how sensitive this is especially for mothers, we have taken our time to compile the below list and to save you the hassle. 

There is no instructions manual, don't bother looking for one just be ready to sacrifice what you used to call fun in the past and get acquainted with the new normal and live happily.

- No one is perfect, do not pretend to be one to your kids. Be open to conversations more often than you advice.

- Not everything goes well for you, there comes a time when you have to accept losses, do not deny your children the same experience if you don't want to end up raising weak adults.

- Lower your expectations, don't expect them to understand whatever you are going through and avoid living through them, that's just wicked.

- Avoid labelling your child based on his/her intellectual strength, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein. Teach them to find their path, Keyword "TEACH".

- Avoid unnecessary praises that are not deserved. Teach them you earn anything whatsoever with hard work.

- Avoid thinking they are grown up and then treating them as such. Help them know limits till they are old enough to understand why.

- Avoid interrupting their playtime, it's a child's way of researching and discovering new things.

- Avoid bribe based parent if you really want to have a child that will become a leader of tomorrow.

- Avoid hitting them as you do not only lower their self-confidence but also pass the wrong message that hitting is allowed in a loving relationship.

- Your kids are born unique and different, avoid pushing them to do what you think they need as life skills.

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