Monday 28 December 2020

Nigerian Food: How to Make Nigerian Buns.

How to make Nigerian Buns.

The Nigerian buns is a crunchy and rocky snack which is loved by the old and young. The buns are sometimes referred to as the bother of Puff puff due to the similarity of ingredients and preparation. The buns can be tricky to make at home but with the below information, I will make you a trickster of homemade Nigerian buns.


- Flour

- Butter

- Eggs

- Honey or sugar

- Water

- Oil for frying.


- mix all dry ingredients together in a big bowl 

- Add your eggs and some water to the already mixed dry ingredients to form a thick stretchy batter.

- Heat your oil.

- Drop a little batter to test the oil for full readiness. If the batter floats, then its a sign your oil is ready to fry.

- Drop the rest of the batter in the hot oil but never overcrowd them.

- Fry buns till golden brown and serve when cold.

Editor(s): Adekunle Oluwatosin M & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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