Monday 21 December 2020

Nigerian Snacks: Puff -Puff

Nigerian Snacks - Puff -Puff 

Puff puff is a popular Nigerian snack made from yeast and dough. It is shaped into rounds balls and deep-fried until it turns golden brown. The snack is loved by kids and adults and has a lot of people experimenting with different spices like pepper, dark chocolate and ginger.
Most prepare their puff-puff missing the golden trick of getting to taste "puffpuffy"

Below is a detailed procedure on how to.


- 5 cups of flour

- 3 cups of lukewarm water

- Nutmeg

- Groundnut oil

- 2 teaspoon of dry yeast

- 1/4 cup of sugar

How To:

. Mix the flour, yeast, butter, sugar until you have a smooth paste but make sure they are thick and firmly together.

. Cover the mixture dough with a clean table cloth and let it rise for 1-2 hours in a warm place.

. Make sure your groundnut oil is very hot before you grab a little of the batter inside the oil.

. Make sure all side is fried till golden brown

. Repeat the same frying method with the remaining batter.

. Serve with a chilled drink or as snacks.

Editor(s): Adekunle Oluwatosin M & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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