Friday, 22 January 2021

Nigerian Food: Make Your Own - Egg Rolls.

Egg rolls are one of the most common pastries in Nigeria. Learning how to make your own egg roll is a big deal.

Ingredients needed are:

  • Flour (2 cups)   
  • Eggs (6)
  • Sugar (3 Tablespoons)
  • Baking powder (1 Teaspoon)
  • ¼ of salt
  • ¼ of nutmeg (optional)
  • Butter (2 tablespoons)
  • Lukewarm water (½ a cup) 
  • Vegetable oil (1 litre)


In a bowl, add your flour, sugar, baking powder salt, nutmeg, and mix the dry ingredients together. After mixture, add the butter and mix with your hand till you have that crusty feeling, then break an egg into it and mix in for 5min, then you add water in sections. After all ingredients are fully mixed together it should feel sticky now, cover it up and set it aside.

Now boil your 5 eggs, peel, and set aside to cool. Once the eggs are cool, pour your vegetable oil in a pan and heat on medium heat, while heating up, get your dough and a small amount of flour, coat your palm with the flour and scoop a sizeable amount of dough in your palm, flatten it and take an egg, coat it in flour and place if in the middle of the dough, cover it all up with the flatten dough till its smooth on all side. Place the dough covered egg roll in the already hot oil and fry on medium heat. Do this to all the eggs.

Remember that you continue to move your egg roll while frying so it won’t soak up oil. Fry your egg roll for 10-15mins till its golden brown, take it out of the oil. Let it cool and enjoy your self-made egg roll.

WriterIdowu Elizabeth
Editor(s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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