Thursday 19 November 2020



Osumare is the Orisha of the rainbow that was ordered by Olodumare to strike across the earth, symbolizing that the creation of earth has been completed. Osumare indicates the relationship between heaven and earth and also the balance between the gods and the people.
Osumare is pronounced O-SHU-MAR-RAY. The Osu(Month) and the Mare (Parts of Olodumare GOD's names) are what makes up the meaning of Oshumare in the Yoruba language. At the back of the huge mountain is where Osumare resides, always. His main job is to beautify the sky with great and different types of colours. Osumare is known as Sango's servant and he gathers rainfall and takes it back to the clouds.

Osumare also plays the role of protecting and guarding the children. The Yoruba religion believes the umbilical cord between the mother and the child is the link between the living and the world of our ancestors. 

Boiled white corn with coconut is Osumare's best meal. His altar is always decorated with snakes craft in metal or iron form. The offering to Osumare are wild honey, cold water, beautiful flowers, white powder, perfume and the best day to worship Osumare is on Sunday.

Editor(s): Adekunle Oluwatosin M & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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