Sunday 4 October 2020



Vitiligo and Albinism are skin condition caused by hypopigmentation. Hypopigmentation develops due to a reduction in melanin production.

Although both of these conditions are rare, they differ in development and appearance. 

Over the last few years, Vitiligo has become more prominent and there seems to be a confusion between these two. Below is the highlighted differentiation and we will further dive into the dimensions and presentation of Vitiligo.

Albinism occurs when melanocytes, or pigment cells, are not working properly. This results in a lack of pigmentation in skin, hair and eyes. This condition is genetic and may be inherited. This condition can differ but It is present since birth and affects the whole body.

Vitiligo, however, presents when melanocytes or pigment cells are damaged, which results in smooth white spots or patches occurring on the skin on any part of the body. This condition happens over time and can also affect the hair and the inside of one's mouth. Vitiligo can happen to anyone at any stage/age.


• Whitening patches on any area of the skin

• Whitening or greying of bodily 

• Loss of colour in the tissue found in the mouth and nose(mucous membranes)

An event such as skin trauma or stress could initiate this condition. People with Vitiligo may be at a higher risk of sunburn

Vitiligo present in many ways:

- Universal Vitiligo affects nearly all skin surface

- Generalised Vitiligo affects areas of the body symmetrically

- Segmental Vitiligo affects only one side or part of the body

- Localized Vitiligo presents on only a few areas of the body

- Acrofacial Vitiligo presents on the face and hands

Vitiligo has no cure but treatment is said to stop or slow the discolouration process and return some colour to one's skin. However, this does not prevent a recurrence.

It is important to know that vitiligo is not contagious. One is free to embrace a person with vitiligo if it is their own choosing and of course with consent from the recipient.

Famous people with Vitiligo:

Winnie Harlow - A model who is described as the Modern face of Vitiligo in America

Michael Jackson - Who was referred to as the King of Pop was said to have had Vitiligo

Holly Combs - Is said to have Vitiligo on her hands and now an advocate of Vitiligo Acceptance Campaign

Leleti Khumalo - Widely known for her role in Sarafina, is said to have Vitiligo

Princessmicah1 (Image used above) - A fashion icon/ model on Instagram is said to have Vitiligo

Ogo Maduewesi - A Nigerian who is said to be the founder and Executive Director of the Vitiligo Support and Awareness Foundation (VITSAF) is reported to have Vitiligo

Yvette Mari - A vitiligo model popular on Instagram

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