Monday 30 August 2021

Sir Victor Uwaifo (Joromi) 6 Quick Facts

Sir Victor Uwaifo was a musical legend, during his lifetime he created a musical masterpiece that was well recognized all over Africa. Asides from being musically talented, Victor was gifted in creativity as he was an inventor of various items and developing various musical instruments. His life was impactful to many which will make the world remember him even for years to come, but to celebrate his life and not his death, let us take a look at 6 quick facts about Sir Victor. 

Fact 1: As of the time of his passing which is on the 28th of August 2021 Sir Victor was 80 years old, he was born on the 1st of March in the year 1941. 

Fact 2: Sir Victor is a professional artist as he acquired University degrees in various aspects of Art. He attended Yaba College of Technology where he studied the art of Orchestration and Management and he later acquired a Master's Degree in another sturdy of Art.

Fact 3: The legend had so many songs produced and were widely accepted, but one of his songs that really took him global was the famous Mami Water song, the story being the song is that Sir Victor says he had an encounter with a real-life mermaid which is popularly known as Mamiwater in Nigeria, this encounter inspired some of his songs thereafter.

Fact 4:  In his younger days, Sir Victor found hobbies in bodybuilding, he was known for his well-chisled physique before old age took some of it away and even with ageing he had a good shape before he passed. 

Fact 5: Sir Victor expressed his love for creativity through every avenue he could harness and one of them was through invention. One of the inventions he was proud of was the race car he invented, he would take it for a drive within his home town once in a while. He invented other things like adding a higher octave to his guitar, adding a keyboard to his guitar, and many more. 

Fact 6: His impact on the nation was beyond measure, and in return, he became well recognized and awarded duly. In 1983 he was Honored by the nation of Nigeria when awarded with the National Merits Honors(NMH), this was one of the numerous awards he received for his outstanding works.

Here are the 6 interesting facts we believe the world needs to know about the legend. He might be gone from us but his works live on.

Writer: Idowu Elizabeth
Editor (s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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