Monday 10 June 2019

Peppered Fish Recipe and It's Benefits to the Human Body

Please watch how to fry below: 

Benefits of Eating Fish
- Lowers the risk of heart attack
- May increase grey matter
- Fish Is High in Important Nutrients.
- Treat and prevent depression
- Rich in nutrient
- Prevent asthma
- Aids sleep
- Tasty
- Major dietary source of vitamin C

Benefits of Pepper
Relieves joint pain
- Improves metabolism
- Aid weight loss
- Reduce the rick of cancer
- Prevent bad breath
- Fights the flu, cold and fungal
- Aids digestion
- Good antioxidant
- Good for night vision
- Rich in vitamin C

I hope you enjoy your pepper fish as well as the benefits that comes with it, and remember I love seeing your reactions, so please share them with me.

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