Tuesday 18 June 2019

Chicken Pie Recipe and It's Benefits

Please watch how to below: 

For an healthy one, ensure  "Whole-wheat" is used. See benefits below;

Benefits of Using Whole-wheat Flour
- It's low in glycemic index (GI) hence prevent blood sugar spike
- Rich in vitamins such as Vitamins B1, B3 and B5 as well as folate and riboflavin
- Low in fibre content
- Lowers blood cholesterol
-  Prevents constipation

Benefits of Using Chicken
- Rich in protein
- Improves eye health
- Natural Anti - depressant
- Reduces skin problems
-  Prevents bone loss
- Improves metabolism
- Rich in phosphorus
- Improves heart health
- Contains high amount of Niacin which protect from cancer

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