Monday 5 July 2021

5 Mistakes You've Probably Made When Planting

Many of us just started planting, I know planting seems easy on paper or blogs, but to be realistic it is not easy at all, it is not for the faint-hearted so there have been many mistakes made.

Today we will discuss five common mistakes many farming newbies make and how to avoid them. These mistakes are made by those who plant at home and not on farmland

Planting The Seed Too Deep 

This is a very common mistake, as, we tend to plant the seed too deep in the soil even when the seeds are just supposed to sprinkle on the soil. what happens when you plant the seed too deep into the soil is that sprouting.

Planting of the plant takes time, and sometimes the seed might not even sprout because the seed is too deep. 

The best thing to do in this case is research the plant before even planting, you cant do it online, find a farmer or a gardener ask how deep the seeds should be planted in the soil.

Planting At The Wrong Spot 

If you plant at home and most especially in a bucket, you tend to put your plant in the wrong spot where you tend to forget that it exists, placing the plant in such a location means you will forget to water and feed it, the plant, it will not get the attention it needs, and at the end, it will eventually die.

The best thing to do is to place your plant in a frequent spot for you, a place where you will always pass by, by this way you will remember to care for the plant whether day or night.

Over Watering The Plant 

Some of us do this out of goodwill but, we are killing the plant, it is understandable that some plants need to be given extra water, but even the plant that needs extra water should not be overwatered. giving the plant too much water weakens the link between the roots and the soil this way fewer nutrients is received from the soil, and the support of growth received from the soil is also reduced.

In this case, you should only make the soil of your plant moist not soggy and loose, this is the only trick to it, and if your plant receives constant watering through drip watering try to reduce the speed of the drop just to avoid overwatering.

Too Much Sun

Just as the adage says "too much of everything is bad" this applies to planting also. like we all know,   the ultimate provider of plant's food, without the sun there is no need to plant, but when the sun is too much it can kill the plant. for plants like Tomatoes and pepper, they tend to get well affected by too much sun.

To avoid killing your plants by the sun, place the plant in a spot that is not directly under the sun, somewhere the plant can receive the ray of the and not the direct heat of the sun.

Starving The Planting

If you don't know that you starve your plant, well now you know, feeding your plants with fertilizer is very important, you might think the sun and watering the plant is just enough, but the evidence of feeding appears when you harvest.

If you don't want to use chemical fertilizers then you have to opt for manures, cow or goat dung is just good enough. apply the manure or fertilizer directly to the soil of your plant or as directed by the fertilizer manufacturer.

Writer: Idowu Elizabeth
Editor (s): Idowu Elizabeth & Awe Olufunso 
Publisher: Awe Olufunso

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