Monday, 31 August 2020

Latest Nigerian Music Video: Opor - Rexxie Ft. Zlatan, LadiPoe

Nigerian record maker, Rexxie, has delivered the music video for his remix named "Opor".

Natural Remedies: Health Benefit of Drinking Water From Copper Cup

Drink water (staying hydrated) is already beneficial to man but drinking and/or storing in copper bowls or cups improves it's not just only it's safety but it effectiveness as well.

Below are some of it's benefits;

Clogged Milk Ducts (Causes,Treatment and Prevention)

Clogged or Plugged Ducts 

- Is the main cause of pain for nursing mothers in which the milk duct is constricted with milk backing up behind that point leading to swelling or discomfort. 

Monday, 3 August 2020

Sunday, 2 August 2020